workspace = "C:/Data/SanFrancisco.gdb" env.

CheckOutExtension ( "Network" ) #Set environment settings env.
# Requirements: Network Analyst Extension #Import system modules import arcpy from arcpy import env try : #Check out the Network Analyst extension license arcpy. After dissolving, # the network dataset is also built so that it can be used to # perform network analyses. # Name: DissolveNetwork_Workflow.py # Description: Creates a new network dataset with reduced number of line # features in a new file geodatabase workspace. Syntax DissolveNetwork_na (in_network_dataset, out_workspace_location) Parameter

Use the Build Network tool to build the newly created network dataset prior to performing any analysis on it. This tool does not create a built network.

Learn more about how Dissolve Network works Illustration Usage This tool outputs a new network dataset and source feature classes the input network dataset and its source features remain unchanged. The more efficient output network dataset reduces the time required to solve analyses, draw results, and generate driving directions. Creates a network dataset that minimizes the number of line features required to correctly model the input network dataset.